Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays!!!

Wishing all students and families a very happy and safe holiday season!
All the best for 2011!
See you back in portable #3 on January 3, 2011!!!

Enjoy the break =)

Love, Ms. Virji

Our Amazing Class !!!

Hello friends clasmates and parents     
I am going  to tell you about our class and blog.  Our class is going well, everyone is really good in our class. We are making giacometti sculputures.  We took pipe cleaners then we made them into the shape of a person.  Then we wrapped them with foil. 
In our blog we hope that everyone looks at it everyday we mostly type new stuff everyday.

Regards Muzammil!                                

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Congratulations to Noor and Naheeda who were two out of the twelve winners in Mr.Battaglia's Principal Enrichment Challenge #1.
Check out Mr.Battaglia's blog here:


Look Look our class made snowflakes! Look everywhere its a wonderland! Our class have beautiful art works hanged up! Purple, orange white, blue, you try it too! Hiba

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Some students in our classroom worked with Mr.Darawal to complete work on what Canada means to them.  Check out the great work!

Monday, December 13, 2010


This has been a fantastic month since December.Everything was good.For example,gym has really been popular these days.Art has also been well.I hope Janurary will be fantastic.

By: Sayed


Dear parents and kids,
Look at these amazing tesselations!It took alot of time to finish these you know!But look how fabulous they look!Only the most fantastic artists are here in Thorncliffe Park Public School in grade 4H!There are more fabulous,fantastic and colourful pictures in our beatiful classroom!So look forword to our art!BYE!

written by:Nafilah
Dear Parents and kids,
I am going to tell you about what we learn in portable 3.In Ms.Virji's class,we have been learning many things like the different type of division and how many fruits and vegetables we need.In art we are making sculptures.Giacometti is the artist who made them. We are working on making book reports.
By : Faiza


Classroom Wonders!

Hi fellow friends! Being in grade 4 is a joy. Ms.Virji is a fun and an enjoyable teacher. We have learned many things such as doing book reports, cool art, and much more . We are also going to be baking holiday cookies, sounds fun! The students in our class are really kind and caring. We work together as a team to achive our goals. Hope you have a fun and a good holidays!!!!

By: Naheeda

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Extra Division Help

Students and Parents:

Check out the following website that explains long division step by step in a simple and cool way!
I know we have been learning about long division and it is a little confusing so hopefully this will help.

Ms.Virji is available for extra math help Monday and Thursday mornings at 8:30am.  Please come by our class =)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Book Reports

After learning all about the elements of a story, students have now chosen a favourite book that they enjoy reading.  Their task has been to create a book report based on the book they have read.  They are to include character comparisons, setting maps, plot time graphs and brief retells.  Today the students had much time to work on creating their reports in class.  The final book report is not due until Dec 17th.  Students have been very creative! Some are choosing to type up their work while others are choosing to put on their ideas on a poster board.  Stay tuned for updates on our book reports!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Students and Parents please note:

- winter is here!!! students need to wear snow boots to school and ensure they have a pair of indoor shoes that stay in the portable.  Indoor shoes are necessary for gym.

- dress warmly!!! as part of the school day all students are required to go out for recess.  parents please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather (Snow pants, and layering are a good idea!)

- no scented perfume/spray is allowed at the school including our classroom!!!  scented perfumes are too strong and not permitted at school.  many are allergic to such smells so please avoid use of this during school time.

Your cooperation is appreciated!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

3-D Snowflakes!

The Holiday Season has arrived and the students in portable 3 worked on making our classroom look a little more festive today!  In Art we made 3D Paper Snowflakes!!! The students were excited but along with this tedious project came a lot of perseverance.  The students tried their best to create the snowflakes despite the many complicated steps it took to create them!  Well done Grade 4s!!!

Math Challenge: (students try to answer this problem using what we are currently learning in math about division)

We made 36 pieces altogether to create the snowflakes.
Each snowflake required only 6 pieces.
How many snowflakes did we make in class today?


See you tomorrow!
Ms.Virji =)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Authors at Work!

Today the students had an opportunity to take on the role of the author.  For several weeks, we have been focusing on the elements of a story.  We have learned about characters, settings, problems and solutions.  Today the students were asked how authors come up with ideas to write a story. Some authors look for ideas that spark inspiration.  Ideas of inspiration can come from the world around us.  When I asked the students what were some things that inspired them to write stories they mentioned: family life, personal narratives, pets, friends, sports, places in the world, other books they have read, animals, and many other things!  But what happens when an author gets stuck and can't think of anything to write about?  Sometimes they look at pictures!  Ever heard the phrase: "a picture tells a thousand words"?  Well today the students were presented with a picture of a man holding a brief case and a passport.  Independently they had to create their own story to go along with the picture.  The work that the authors of portable 3 created today was phenomenal!!!  Stay tuned to see some of these great stories which will be posted up on the blog shortly!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Canada: What does it mean to you?

Canada means many different things to many different people.
As part of our current study on Canada in Social Studies, the students were asked to write about what Canada meant to them.  Take a look at their amazing work!

Tessellations Art Work

As part of our Art subject, students created Tessellations.
A tessellation is a collection of shapes that fills a space without leaving any gaps in between.
Creating these pieces of work took a lot of time and patience!!!

Welcome to our Classroom Blog!

Hello Students and Parents!

Welcome to our classroom blog!!!
Throughout the school year myself and the students will get an opportunity to post photographs and share information about the fun learning that is happening in Portable 3!
We are excited to get started and hope that you visit our blog often!
Feel free to share your comments about our awesome work!

Ms. Virji