Saturday, November 27, 2010

Canada: What does it mean to you?

Canada means many different things to many different people.
As part of our current study on Canada in Social Studies, the students were asked to write about what Canada meant to them.  Take a look at their amazing work!

Tessellations Art Work

As part of our Art subject, students created Tessellations.
A tessellation is a collection of shapes that fills a space without leaving any gaps in between.
Creating these pieces of work took a lot of time and patience!!!

Welcome to our Classroom Blog!

Hello Students and Parents!

Welcome to our classroom blog!!!
Throughout the school year myself and the students will get an opportunity to post photographs and share information about the fun learning that is happening in Portable 3!
We are excited to get started and hope that you visit our blog often!
Feel free to share your comments about our awesome work!

Ms. Virji