Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Measuring Puddles!!!

On this rainy Tuesday, I took the students outside today to take advantage of the weather!
Today we began a new unit in math - Length, Area and Perimeter.
As a fun activity, we decided to go out when the rain cleared up to measure the depth of puddles around our portable!

Here are some pics of the students in action! And...in case you're wondering the deepest puddle was a little more than 2 cm deep!

Ayaan measuring how deep the puddle on the turf was.
Students deciding where to measure.

Pointillism Art Work

Pointillism is an original form of art created by George Seurat and also used by Claude Monet. Pointillism is a bunch of tiny dots formed together to make a picture.  In our art lesson we used pointillism instead of using a paintbrush and just painting because pointillism is brighter and it stands out! When two colors are next to each other, your eye mixes them and that is called optical mixing. Using optical mixing instead of physically mixing can make a brighter picture.

Pointillism takes a long time.  As you can tell, the artists of Portable 3 took their time to create these masterpieces!!!

*some of the pictures are sideways and I couldn't turn them around - sorry!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week of April 18 - 21

Here's some important reminders for what's happening this week:

Monday: Letter Writing to our Pen-Pals, Art
Tuesday: Gym, Music
Wednesday: Medieval Story Writing in the Staffroom, Computers 2:05-2:45pm
Thursday: Spelling Test, Gym

 * remember NO SCHOOL FRIDAY APRIL 22 and MONDAY APRIL 25 - see you on Tuesday April 26 =)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What's Happening - April 11 - 15

Monday: Product Project DUE; Author's Chair, Last Day to finish making shields, Library Books due!!
Tuesday: Gym will be outside today due to a performance happening in GYM A
Wednesday: Day of Pink (please wear pink today), Library 2:45 - 3:25
Thursday: Gym, Crystal Growing Science Experiment
Friday: Spelling Test, Author's Chair, Earth Day Clean Up (we will be going outside to clean our community this afternoon)

See you all tomorrow!
Ms.Virji :)

These Kids are Awesome!!!!

I have such a wonderful group of students and they are all brilliant in their own ways.  I'd like to congratulate a few of the students right now for some great accomplishments that have taken place at TPPS this past month...

Principal's Enrichment Challenge Winners for the Month of March:

Naheeda and Ramsha!!!

Regional Spelling Bee: This past Saturday, I had the priviledge to go out and see our fantastic 5 students compete in the Regional Spelling Bee at East York Town Center.  All students did a fabulous job! I'm glad that they had fun - and enjoyed themselves!!!

Congratulations to:
Nafilah - who placed in the Top 15 .

Ms.Virji :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This Week in P.3 April 4 - 8

Here's what's happening this week:

Monday: Author's Chair by Yusuf and Nafilah, Bring Your Bristol Board today if you haven't already - we will be making shields this afternoon
Tuesday: Bullying Puppet Performance in the morning; Reading Buddies; Gym
Wednesday: Trip to Claude Watson 10:30am - 1:30pm; Computers 2:05 - 2:45pm
Thursday: Gym
Friday: Spelling Test, Product Advertisment and Design Due TODAY!!!

Ms.Virji :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


A job well done to Abdullah, Nafilah, Hiba, Marjon, Muzammil and Faiza for participating in this year's Thorncliffe Park Spelling Bee!!!  These students worked hard with their coaches, families and most of all studying independently - it was no easy task but they persevered!!!!

Congratulations, I am very proud of all your accomplishments! :)