Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 30 - Jun 3

Hello Grade 4's!
It's hard to believe the school year is coming close to an end.
It's been a wonderful year and the next 4 weeks ahead will be spent reviewing a lot of what we have learned already as well as finishing up various units.

This is a busy week, here's whats happening:

Monday: Gym, Library Books need to be brought back 
Tuesday: Mr.Battaglia visits at 9:45am Last Day visiting School Library, Walk to Public Library in the morning, Rocks and Minerals Test
Wednesday: CASI Test (AM), Gym, Robin Hood Presentation 1:00pm
Thursday: Character Ed.
Friday: Spelling Test, Medieval Castle Due!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24 27

Hi Grade 4''s a look at what's happening this week:

Monday: Victoria Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday: Health, Character Ed, Computers -- Lice Check today
Wednesday: Health, Gym, Science, Art
Thursday: Health (10:30 - 11:40am), Music
Friday: Science (review for rocks and minerals test on tuesday)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today we went out and erupted our volcanoes!
It was FUN!!!! Here are some things we learned: the smaller the volcano, the bigger the explosion!
Taller volcanoes took a longer time to erupt.  Today we erupted 6 volcanoes.  Check out the pictures below! Tomorrow we will erupt the remaining 6!
Ms.Virji helping Ayaan put food colouring in the volcano to create the look of lava!

Fajjar, Ramsha and Alina's volcano erupted quickly because it was small!!!! Well Done!

Fajjar, Ramsha and Alina putting food colouring in their volcano!

A huge eruption!


Our volcanoes!



Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 16 - 19

Hello Grade 4's!!!!

It's been a rainy weekend, but I'm glad I got to see some of you come out to our TPPS Fun Fair.  Despite the rain, many families showed up and it was a great success.  Here's what's happening this week.  Remember this is a short week.  We have a PA Day on Friday and next Monday is Victoria Day! 

Monday May 16: Nonfiction Rough Book Reports Due, Gym (remember to wear running shoes - we will be inside Gym A today doing Track and Field)
Tuesday May 17: Music, Stained Glass Art
Wednesday May 18: Science: We will erupt our volcanoes today outside!!!
Thursday May 19: Spelling Test, Math Test, Gym

*Your rough draft of the non-fiction book report is due on Monday.
*We have a Measurement (length, area, perimeter) Test on Thursday
*By now you should have started working on your Castle Project - it is due Monday May 30

See you tomorrow! =)

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9 - 13

Here's whats happening this week

Monday: Track and Field Meet 12:45 - 1:55pm
Tuesday: Non-Fiction Book Report Writing Begins, Health Quiz
Wednesday: Volcano Building Begins
Thursday: Music
Friday: Spelling Test, Art

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 2 - 6

Hello Grade 4s,

It's already May!!!! I can't believe how fast the year has gone by!  This week is Education Week which means we've got a busy week ahead. Here's a look at what is in store for this week.

*please bring back library books by Wednesday
Monday: Gym is cancelled due to the Elections Voting taking place in Gym A.  Music Monday at 12:40pm
Tuesday: PIRLS Test Day! (morning only)  4:30 - 6:30pm Family Open House Literacy Activities
Wednesday: Shadow Tracing Outside      4:30 - 6:30pm Family Open House Math Activities
Thursday: Reading Buddies, Arts Assembly, Gym (outside depending on when the assembly finishes)
Friday: Spelling Test, Music Concert, Library 2:45-3:25pm