Saturday, January 15, 2011

Update on happenings in Portable #3!

As we wrap up our unit in Science on Habitats and Communities - the students are working hard on completing their final task of creating a habitat in pairs.

Each pair of students was inspired by the works of Barbara Reid - a famous author popular for creating illustrations made out of plasticine. 

The students integrated their artistic skills and knowledge of habitats to design their own habitat on a paper plate solely constructed out of plasticine.

Projects are still underway! Stay tuned for updates on our wonderful work!

Alberto Giacometti was a Swiss sculptor, painter, and surrealist who was best known for his elongated sculptures of human figures.  He created thin sculptures by using metal.
In our art project, we re-created Giacometti’s work by using a variety of artistic techniques such as pinching, squeezing, and sculpting.
To re-create his work, we first made charcoal sketches of what we wanted our sculptures to look like.  Then we created our sculptures by using pipe cleaners, foil paper, newspaper and plasticine.
In this project we focused on the following Art curriculum expectations:

D1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings;

D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to determine solutions to design challenges

Check out our amazing re-creations of Giacometti's Work!!!! Our Work is on display in the School Library!!!  Way to go Grade 4's!!!!

Fact Families: Before the winter holidays we wrapped up our unit on Number Sense: Multiplication and Division in Math.  Students created fact family booklets! Check them out!

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