Monday, February 14, 2011

Exciting News!!! Author Barbara Reid writes back to our class!!!

Barbara Reid a well known author whose books we used as an inspiration to get started on our habitat projects has wrote back to our entire class!
We sent her an email telling her about our Science habitat plasticine art projects.  She was amazed!  Check out her response:

Hello Ms. Virji and all my fellow plasticine artists!

Thank you very much for your great letter and FANTASTIC artwork!  Each of the pictures show excellent backgrounds, colour and textures that clearly illustrate the different environments.  Each one is different, and you have been able to show a lot of information, at the same time as creating a beautiful piece of art.  You are illustrators!

I will keep the files, and hope to be able to add them to my web site.  I love to share work like yours to help inspire other artists.  I am very busy working on a book, so I won't be able to update my site until the summer.  The book is to be called "Picture a Tree" and it looks at trees in all the seasons.  So I am also making pictures that show an environment and habitat.  The book will come out next fall, if I can finish in time.

Again, thank you very much for sharing your art.  You made my day!  Keep up the outstanding work, and happy reading,

Best wishes,


p.s.  Do you know about the TDSB Just Read It web site?  It is a place that students can record books they have read.  Every time a reader enters, their school gets a chance to win books or an author visit.  I am a 2010/2011 Writer -in-residence  with the TDSB, so your reading could win a visit from me or the author Eric Walters.  The more you read and report, the more chances you have.  Good luck!

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