Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Update of What's Happening in Portable 3!

A Peek at Our Weeks
Here’s an update about the learning that’s been happening in portable three this past month!

Language: we’ve been looking at media literacy – creating newspaper articles, examining magazine advertisements and creating our own products.  Next we’re going to write our own stories and publish them!

Math: We’ve started Fractions and Decimals

Social Studies:  We have stepped back in time to the Middle Ages where we are learning all about Medieval Times.  Students are learning about kings, barons, feudal systems, housing, armour and overall lifestyle.  They are creating their own coat of arms on a shield – have them explain about their shield once they bring it home!

Science: We continue our unit on Rocks and Minerals and will begin growing our own crystals soon.  In order to do so each student will need to bring a glass jar/cup to grow their own crystals.  Please have your child bring one in by Friday April 8th.

Gym and Health:  We wrapped up our Badminton Unit in gym and have now started Soccer.  In health, students are learning about substance use and abuse.

Music:  We continue to play the recorder and are learning the names of musical notes and symbols.

Lots of fun learning is happening everyday in our classroom. Talk to your child each night and have them tell you about what they learned or did at school today and everyday!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What Nafila has to say about our class...

Hello people of the world!April is starting on Friday!Here is what's coming up in April:We will hopefully start painting our identical pictures on Friday!We are making shields on Monday so remember to bring your bristle boards!

We already looked at magazine advertisements and made our own!!!We are very excited learning with Ms.Virji!
written by:Nafilah

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 28 - April 1

Hi everyone!

Here's what's happening this week in portable 3.  Remember to bring your trip form and $2 for our upcoming trip on April 6th to the Claude Watson School for the Arts to watch a drama and dance performance.  Remember to also bring in your $3 for snack money for the month of April if you haven't done so already.

Monday: Drama and Health
Tuesday: Math Fractions Quiz and Gym and Art
Wednesday: Music and Drama
Thursday: Spelling Bee (our class will be an audience from 10:30 - 11:30), Gym
Friday: Spelling Test, Art, Movie on Rocks and Minerals

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine!!! See you tomorrow!

Ms.Virji :)


Mr.Battaglia and Sir Romulus battle during a Medieval Times Presentation.


Sedimentary Rock Experiment: we took sand and filled it in a cup.  we then poured an epsom salt solution onto the sand.  we let the mixture sit for 3 days.  we then peeled apart the cup and uncovered some lose sand and some "rock" particles that had formed.  students separated rock particles from loose sediments!  this experiment showed students how loose sediments (sand) with the exposure of 'weathering and erosion' (salt water solution) can create a rock - sedimentary rock!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 21 - 25

Welcome back!!!

I hope everyone had a happy and restful March Break!

School starts again tomorrow March 21, 2011.

Here's some reminders for what's happening this week:

Monday March 21: back to school - please bring back all library books
Tuesday March 22: Reading Buddies and Gym
Wednesday March 23: Computers and Library
Thursday March 24: Gym
Friday March 25: Earth Day Assembly (am and pm), Spelling Test

Ms.Virji :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week of March 7 - 11

It's the last week of school before March's what happening this week:

Monday: Medieval Times Presentation in the morning 9:15 - 11:00 am, Music
Tuesday: Gym, Drama
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Gym
Friday: Spelling Test

March Break: March 14 - 18, School starts again on March 21.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Students created geo-sculptures out of marshmallows and toothpicks as we wrapped up our unit on Geometry in Math.  We learned that creating structures from these resources was not as simple as it seemed.  However, the students did enjoy the building and exploring phase and here's what some of the structures ended up looking like. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Medival presentation!

On Monday we will have an amazing medival presentation at our school for our grade 4 students.It is called 'blades of glory' and is an interactive presentation about midddle ages, one of the social studies we cover this year.The cost per student is $2.00.We appriciate your support and look forward to sharing the enjoyment of this experiance with your children!

Ms. Virji's Class!
