Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Update of What's Happening in Portable 3!

A Peek at Our Weeks
Here’s an update about the learning that’s been happening in portable three this past month!

Language: we’ve been looking at media literacy – creating newspaper articles, examining magazine advertisements and creating our own products.  Next we’re going to write our own stories and publish them!

Math: We’ve started Fractions and Decimals

Social Studies:  We have stepped back in time to the Middle Ages where we are learning all about Medieval Times.  Students are learning about kings, barons, feudal systems, housing, armour and overall lifestyle.  They are creating their own coat of arms on a shield – have them explain about their shield once they bring it home!

Science: We continue our unit on Rocks and Minerals and will begin growing our own crystals soon.  In order to do so each student will need to bring a glass jar/cup to grow their own crystals.  Please have your child bring one in by Friday April 8th.

Gym and Health:  We wrapped up our Badminton Unit in gym and have now started Soccer.  In health, students are learning about substance use and abuse.

Music:  We continue to play the recorder and are learning the names of musical notes and symbols.

Lots of fun learning is happening everyday in our classroom. Talk to your child each night and have them tell you about what they learned or did at school today and everyday!

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