Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Summer!

Hello Grade 4s,

I hope you are all enjoying this very hot summer!
I know I posted a link for our end of year slideshow but it seems that it won't play because the file is too big =( sorry about this!
Hope you are all doing fantastic!
I miss our portable and the fun times of 4H!
You can leave a comment and I will try to write back =)



  1. Hey ms.virji I miss u!!! Did they tell u if ur leaving or not? I had sooo much fun we went to Ottawa!!

  2. hey ms.virji its fajjar my summer is very fun im going camping and i went to niagara falls the best way to look at the falls was siting on the sky wheel im having so much in my summer i really miss you farewell fajjar
    ps enjoy your summer

  3. hey ms.virji its me i really miss you i not wirting from a apartment i got a new house in ajax my summer is awesome

  4. Fajjar, I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the summer! Niagara Falls is always so beautiful - I'm going there this weekend with a friend =)

    Who moved to Ajax?

    Love, Ms.Virji

  5. i never knew you still write on this website. i also want to know ms.virji if your staying as a grade 4 teacher.

  6. Hi ms virji miss u sooooooooooooooooooooo much! my summer is great!


  7. Hello my soon to be grade 5's!!! It has been a great summer that has gone by toooo fast! I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves and continue to enjoy the last few weeks before school starts. =) I miss you all too!

    Love, Ms.Virji

  8. oh my god ialmost forgot i moved to ajax me mariya!!!! by the way imiss ums.virji

    1. Hi mariya do you still remember me isra your best friend

  9. hey ms.virji naheeda noor and fajjar also mariya! i dont like grade 5 much i really miss u guys and all the other students. plz ms.virji try to reply. ialways check the blog and even though i am not in grade 4! byeeeee. love ur best student hiba!

  10. Hi Hiba! I miss everyone at TPPS! I hope you're enjoying grade 5 - please tell everyone in our class I say hi. I am teaching Grade 1/2 at a new school this year - Cassandra Public School. I like it there but really miss all of you. Hope everyone is doing great!

  11. hi ms virji i miss you so much and by the i moved

  12. Hi Ms.Virji i am so sad i dont got to be in your class anymore i miss you so much!!!!!!! by:niki

  13. Hey Ms.Virji!I moved to Missisauga but I still miss you guys!I wish I was at TPPS!My school is not very good.I went yesterday to Toronto,I saw TPPS,But I didn't see the new kindergarton school,is it still made yet?Is it pretty?I miss you guys!Please try to reply!Nafilah:)

    1. OMG i thought you were still in pakistan and i moved to by the way it's Marjon your best friend

  14. Ms.Virji,do you like your new class?Are they like us? Nafilah

  15. HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey nafilah it's me Marjon do you remember me?
