Saturday, June 25, 2011

3 more days of Grade 4!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy weekend grade fours!

Can you believe it 3 more days of grade 4 and then it's time for summer holidays!!!
These last 3 days are going to be fun-filled!!!!

See below for some important reminders:

Monday June 27 - End of Year Slideshow (a.m.)  - Trip to Bowlerama (p.m.) ***remember to wear socks!
Tuesday June 28 - Movie Day! Clean up day (take everything home today!)
Wednesday June 29 - Last Day of School, Report Cards go Home!!!

See you all on Monday =)



  1. hi ms virji its fajjar i am exited and sad i will really miss you we will never see each other again just to tell you i really love you alot you taught the whole class tons and i will miss you 10o percent alot and if someone asked me who is the best teacher you would ever have i would say you becuase ur awesome thanx for everything

    from:loving student fajjar tariq

  2. bye see you tomrrow
